The reason that I write

Why do I write this blog?

Some of you might stumble across my blog, see one of my posts and wonder "why is she writing this? what is her purpose?" I get it, I'm guilty of doing that myself when I've stumbled across blog posts from time-to-time. You see I am not here to sell a product, or brand. I'm not here to tell you how to alter your blog or do something fancy. And quite frankly I don't really do anything that is majorly 'different' or 'special'. What I do have is a brain condition. Two in fact (details will be in a blog post - when it's written I will link it here but for now, that's as much as I can say).

I am here because I am "ill". I am aware of how "heavy" all that stuff looks. Don't worry, I do not want to be someone who constantly moans about the BS that comes with being "ill" but I figured that I need an outlet. I have something going on that is not in my control but I want to write to give myself something to focus on - something positive, something that I can control. Well, at least to the extent of how much I can use my little old worked-to-death laptop and the limited internet knowledge that I do have! That in turn will hopefully give anyone else that is living with chronic illness something positive to see. To show them that "normal" life things are possible in some form and how I get out of the grey days - the really bad "struggle to function" days - they happen quite a lot! I also want other people, "normal" (I hate that word) people to gain from this too. And maybe, HOPEFULLY doctors, nurses, care staff, anyone in the medical profession to take something from this... One day I might write stuff about my "journey" (another word I hate) and we can all be on the path together! Hop on the bus and enjoy the ride *said in my very best holiday rep voice*!

What will you get from reading my blog?

  • Hopefully you will get some laughs - laughter is a medicine (but also bad for someone with this brain condition - go figure!)
  • Definitely some pictures - my camera (or phone) is constantly with me (unless I'm in the MRI scanner - that would be awkward)!
  • Occasionally some video footage - as time goes on, I might get more confident with the whole camera thing!
  • Hopefully someone you can consider a friend, whether you live with a chronic illness or not sometimes life just gets heavy and we can all rally together to spread some positivity!
Thanks for popping by, I hope this has helped you to understand my reason for starting up this blog. Please feel free to delve into the archives and dust off my old posts, and of course read the new ones too! Be sure to leave me a message and I will do my very best to reply.

Love and hugs